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Rigid Heddle Loom

Ashford Rigid Heddle Loom 
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The Rigid Heddle is recommended for new weavers because it is so easy to use but still very versatile. You can use the loom to create cushion covers, table mats, fabrics and garments, floor mats, just about anything.

The loom includes a 10 dpi (40/10cm) reed, shuttles, warping peg, 2 threading hooks, clamps and weaving guide.

Weight: 10.00 lbs

Ashford Stand for Rigid Heddle Loom 
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With 2 handy shelves and foot rest. Convenient weaving angle. The loom can be easily removed from the stand.

Weight: 10.00 lbs

Second Rigid Heddle Kit 
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For Multi heddle weaving.  Includes 2 support blocks for reed and hardware. Use this kit to double your ends per inch. You will need another reed identical to the one you have. Two 12.5 dpi reeds give you 25 ends per inch! When you feel comfortable weaving with 2 heddles, you can enjoy experimenting with patterns.


Weight: 10.00 lbs

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